Chitty bitty bang bang
I dropped into the local craft store (Michael’s) to pick up picture matt to cut fish, shell, and two types of kula tokens from and luckily wandered about first. Ahoy!
Blueish gray ceramic tiles, blue one side white the other for fish:
These should be perfect. Blue side up for fresh fish, white side up for dead old fish.
Red glass tiles for shells (red was the prized shell colour):
Both tiles are roughly 12mm square.
For route markers I’ll use the track markers from Age of Steam (which I’ve already marked on one side for another prototype which uses standard and narrow guage track).
I would have liked to get a few cups of shells like these (regularly
available from mosaic/craft stores), but my local store didn’t carry
The remaining problem is kula tokens in three values for fish and shell kula tokens. I thought about picking up coloured glass bits in three sizes of blue and red, which they had, but I thought that would get confusing as players tried to remember their values. So, compromising I got a sheet of red and blue picture matt. The idea is the print a grid of numbers (1/2/3/4/6), Super 77 them to the white side and then cut them out with a rotary cutter. Simple, cheap, easy, effective pain in the arse.