Clubbing issues and joins

The idea of different merger and floatation rules is growing on me.
Proposal: 1. All companies are limited to 3 bank pool shares each (!)

  1. Merger shares continue to operate as before

  2. After the 3rd General Dividend shares in the secondary companies may be sold in the normal manner with a minimum bid of $5

  3. After 2 shares have sold a secondary company is active and operating with an initial income of $0

  4. Companies merge by building into another other company’s home station, with a special dividend etc just like before

  5. Secondary companies which start already connected by track cause insta-merges as before

  6. The rule-of-3 still stands but secondary companies only have to honour it for their colour track – thus the NER may continue building links from Sheffield even though its component companies already have 3 links built

I kinda sorta maybe like the feel of this. Maybe. As I wrote, it is growing on me. It may be fungus.

I’ve also been a little annoyed by how to handle the plethora of bank pool and merger shares given the current merger rules. No answer seems good: cards, slips of paper, glass bits, cubes, chits, whatever. Time to retreat back to good old charts and tables and wet erase pens to mark off shares to players from the tracks:


Which required an update to the map to remove the pool squares. I also clean up the foreign ports to something that at looks like the values make sense.
