Inkscape, L-Systems, SVG, Penrose and other tilings
I’ve been playing with the L-System support in Inkscape, generating Penrose Tilings. Damn this is clever neat nifty fun!
Axiom: [N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N] Rules: M=OA++pA----NA[-OA----MA]++; N=+OA--PA[---MA--NA]+; O=-MA++NA[+++OA++PA]-; P=--OA++++MA[+PA++++NA]--NA; A= Angle:36
Just drop that into Inkscape/Effect/Render/L-System (put all the rules on one line) and you should get this:
Increase the Order value and it will iterate more, drawing a larger graph. Be careful though as execution time grows exponentially as the number of iterations grows.
Some other L-system-derived graphs produced with Inkscape:
Axiom: f Rules: f=-f+f+g[+f+f]-; g=gg; Angle: 60
Or perhaps more entertainingly:
Axiom: W Rules: W=+++X--F--ZFX+; X=---W++F++YFW-; Y=+ZFX--F--Z+++; Z=-YFW++F++Y---; Angle: 30
Yes, that’s a single continuous line in what is known as a space filling curve. Wander about Wikipedia or with a search engine and you’ll find many other little L-system programs for other tilings or space filling curves. Plug them in and play! They’re not only a heck of a lot of fun but such curious tilings can easily form the backdrop for interesting games and there are many many such interesting patterns.