Twitter Week: 2009-07-04
- @ingredientx Throw a thumb on the geeklist. Incredibly arithmetic, but also fascinating. Best with 4 or 5 players, not 3. in reply to ingredientx #
- Both the hummingbird cickss have flown! Tart joy, unjustified pride. #
- Empty nest syndrome: #
- If I work hard I can see them as the same colour, just barely. Clever visual illusion: (via @andytinkham) #
- RT: @MitchWagner: 1865 letter from a former slave on his former master’s offer of employment. #
- @jdludlow OMG the pressure, the unbearable pressure! I have a migraine now – I can’t type! in reply to jdludlow #
- @ChrisTheCat Such people simply don’t understand doubling periods. in reply to ChrisTheCat #
- @jdludlow I wield temptation #1. in reply to jdludlow #
- Excellently plain discussion of the bistable evolution of disruptive markets (semi-WRT to publishing): (via @christhecat) #
- Studio #Ghibli’s latest, #Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea, is sweet and charming and twee, but is not up to the level of their previous work. #
- RT @spacehack:Inflatable tower promises easy access to outer space: #
- Well, now, that’s umm, yes, rather. Robogeisha: (via @raphkoster) #
- @ChrisTheCat Where are you playing #bzflag? I used to play a lot on Ducati (CTF, 2 teams, 2 shots, no special flags, no jumping) in reply to ChrisTheCat #
- Beautiful images of the moon from LRO. It is hard to hope again. Such a small big thing: (via @nasa) #