Future millstones
Assuming that Capitalisation (or control of Capitalisation) remains the most attractive early action in the game (an argument I’m having difficulty supporting):
- (E7/D5/C3)
- P1-C3/3 P2/C3/3 P3-C3/2 P4-D1/1 P4-D1/21 P4-E2/42 (E6/D3/C0)
- P1-D1/43 P2-D1/43 P3-D1/45 (E6/D0/C0]
Total actions performed: 9
Total actions per player: P1:2 P2:2, P3:3, P4:3
Now let’s assume that P1 recognises the action race and changes tempo:
- (E7/D5/C3)
- P1-C3/3 P2/C3/3 P3-C3/2 P4-D1/1 P4-D1/26 P4-E2/4 (E6/D3/C0)
- P1-E2/57 P2-E2/5 P3-E2/5 P4-E2/6 8 (E1/D4/C0)
- P1-E2/79 (E0/D4/C0)
Total actions performed: 11
Total actions per player: P1:3 P2:2, P3:2, P4:4
Let’s assume that P4 wins one of the early share auctions with his cash lead and thus has more he can develop:
- (E7/D5/C3)
- P1-C3/3 P2/C3/3 P3-C3/2 P4-D1/1 P4-D1/2 P4-D1/3 (E7/D2/C0)
- P1-E1/510 P2-E2/5[^111] P3-E2/512 P4-E2/5 (E3/D2/C0)
- P1-D1/613 P2-D1/614 (E3/D0/C0)
Total actions performed: 12
Total actions per player: P1:3 P2:3, P3:2, P4:4
Now let’s assume that P1 is cash poor, diluted on both sides and that P2 in similarly incented towards a fast dividend:
- (E7/D5/C3)
- P1-C3/3 P2/C3/3 P3-C3/2 P4-D1/1 P4-D1/2 P4-D1/3 (E7/D2/C0)
- P1-D1/4 P2-D1/4 (E7/D0/C0]
Total actions performed: 8
Total actions per player: P1:2 P2:2, P3:1, P4:3
This is fascinating. The players have no choice but to focus on Expansion next turn as there’s just no opportunity for any more Development. What interesting rhythms!
Guarantees next turn ↩
Assuming only one share held, nothing left to develop ↩
Also. ↩
Selected in order to guarantee a dividend ↩
Guarantees next turn. ↩
Most populous action, doesn’t drive dividend. ↩
Guaranteed not to get another action before the dividend. ↩
Instant dividend. ↩
Almost certainly in a corner, needs a dividend fast but can also get two Expands, which could (unlikely) be better ↩
Also doesn’t want to push it? ↩
Expects to not get another action before the dividend ↩
Encouraging dividend for low cash player. ↩
Instant dividend ↩